Saturday, January 29, 2011


When I was 11, my sister came up to me with some wonderful news:

But little me was wise to my older sister's tricks.

My sister did everything in her power to make me believe that septerday was a real word. She said it all the time to my mom, got my dad in on it and had her accomplice, Natalie make an Urban Dictionary entry for it. 

Just saying the word around me didn't make me believe it, I was pretty paranoid anyway and my sister was always tricking me. But what really made me believe was the Urban Dictionary entry. 

At the time I was really fuzzy on the Internet. For the longest time I thought the Internet was a place that you physically go. I also believed if you Google 'Google' you'd break the Internet. (thanks, dad...) I thoroughly believed at this time that if something's on the Internet then it must be true. So I didn't exactly know that Urban Dictionary wasn't the most reliable source... 

Sister: Hey, Sarah! Read this! Septerday is in the dictionary!

Me: What?? No way!

Sister: Yeah, go look!

From that point on I started using Septerday EVERYWHERE. Talking, essays, I even think it was my cellphone signature at some point! 

It wasn't until today when I found out the truth! My whole world came crashing down before my eyes! My whole life was a lie! I was simply buying fudge with my dad when he told me the awful truth.

Dad: Remember, that trick your sister played on you? Made up the word septerday... and had Natalie make an Urban Dictionary entry for it?


Dad: Oh, you didn't know?

Me: NO!!!!!!!!

I was shocked and mad, I called up my sister up in an angry fit. I was screaming in the fudge store. All my dreams were crushed.

But you know what, readers? Let's make septerday a word! Use it everywhere! Call webster! Put it in stories! Let's make a new word!


  1. HAH PEOPLE! I heard about this before you saw it. And, the person who wrote it is a new friend. ANOTHER BONUS!
    Bytheway, I love the pictures. They're beautiful and they match your story perfectly. xD
    <3 -Allison.

  2. Cute! And just cause it isn't in the dictionary doesn't mean you can't make a word up. I say words all the time I know aren't real, and I really don't care :).

  3. Hahaha hehehe...

    Yeah, you should keep using it anyhow. You can just send people to Urban Dictionary if they don't believe it's a real word.

  4. i like the word and i thought it was real at first. haha!

    septerday! yay!

  5. I feel this is like my family's word: ogalow.

    While growing up, my aunts and uncles would constantly call my aunt Tammy an ogalow. She would then get extremely angry because they were calling her an "ogalow" and she didn't know what it meant. However, it's just a made up word.

    She still to this day, hates being called that, but within my family, the name ogalow has taken root.

  6. Oh, and I went to Urban Dictionary and gave "septerday" the thumbs up.

  7. Oh my goodness! That is soooo hilarious. I remember this stuff that happened. :) Lol! You are hilarious.
